Be Your Best 

In-person 8 week program

$679.00 per person Including all course resources

Be your Best Training (B.Y.B) is delivered via this model over 8 weeks, 3.5 hours per week of an day or evening.

Included are two 1 hour zoom sessions to ensure skills are being proactively embeded into your life.

The total training hours are 30 as set down by Effectiveness Training Institute of Australia and Gordon Training International.

In our 8 weeks together we are able to do a deep dive into personal transformation and establish a new set of communication gudelines that will see you thriving in all relationsips.

You will also form long-lasting friendships with your peers as we discuss personal goals, values and challenges in order to bring about sustainable change in your life and levels of personal empowermenet.

I encourage you to commit to this training as a gift to yourself. You deserve to be free of relationship anxieties and stress when it comes to communication.

Lift the ones you love…Love you again!

Jacqui Bowden, P.E.T Facilitator

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