Parent Effectiveness Training


Online Zoom – 10 weeks


8 sessions in total, 2 weeks extra practice


$695.00 per person Including all course resources


Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T) is delivered via this model over 8 weeks, 3 hours per week of an evening. The total length of the program is 10 weeks as we allow for and extra week of practice at home for some of the larger skills.


The total training hours are 24 as set down by Effectiveness Training Institute of Australia and Gordon Training International.

I truly enjoy spending these 8 weeks with parents in the comfort of my own home and allowing them the same. This relaxed approach allows us to form bonds within the group which is very essential to learning about developing connections with your children also. It is also a great way to see that you are not alone in this parenting journey!


Week by week we get time to practice the new skill/s that get introduced in class and then get together and share our wins and losses.


I encourage you to commit to this training even if it seems very hard… you will not regret it and your kids will love you even more for it!


Creating conscious change and lasting family connection

Jacqui Bowden, P.E.T Facilitator

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